Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Marathon Race Report Posting

Interestingly, and oddly, my marathon race report posted under the date that I started it (the draft date) rather than today's date. If you want to read it in its massive glory, it's posted down below!

Happy trails!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Starting Over.

I went on my first post-marathon run today.

A gorgeous day in the high '60s (when I started out), with trees still holding on to those last fall leaves -- yellow and red and a few green. As you may recall (it's been a while, folks -- I know) I've had some major ITB issues since The Marathon. Well, since the 18 miler in Marathon Training. It's not totally subsided -- and after three weeks of sitting still, I was beginning to spin in my head a little. Actually, I was spinning a lot.

So, about a week and a half ago, I took myself to Athletico to get an injury screening. Alex, who both settled and entertained me (which is not easy at 7:30 a.m.) assured me that it was "only" ITB -- nothing permanent, and that Someday, One Of These Days, I would be able to walk stairs (or just walk) without pain. And she encouraged me to do the exercises that she prescribed, but also to try to get back out on the path as soon as I felt able. (She also cautioned me to Be Smart this time, and stop if something hurts.)

Over the weekend in Montreal (ooh la la! oui! oui!) SJV and I walked... and walked ... and walked... And even though my leg let me hear about it, it didn't complain long into the night. So this morning I thought was the perfect day to try to run again. The last three non-running weeks have been the longest that I've not run since I started two years ago, so it was actually a little emotional when I put on my shoes, my Chicago Marathon hat (seriously earned that one...) and my favorite fall running jacket. I-pod in tow playing a little Iron & Wine... And off I went into the fall colors and robin's-egg-blue-sky that I otherwise could only admire through my window.

I was careful -- very, very careful. And I'm trying a new running form/style (Chi-running, for those that are curious) that seems to help. I ran a smokingly fast time for being out for three weeks and still being injured, and I only ran 1.5 miles. But I ran. I got to feel the ground under my feet, and the breeze on my face, the sun on my skin... it was exactly what I needed.

But it's clear that I'm starting over -- I was more winded than I normally would be, and this new form will take time to get used to. So it's good that it's The Off Season, and that now I can focus on form rather than speed, and the love of the outdoors rather than the PR.

More on Montreal soon, and maybe someday I'll post that Marathon Race Report. It's a hard one to write...

Pace yourself,

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Marathon Race Report!

So, finally, after more than a week (or two, or, actually three... well, actually, a MONTH), I'm writing my first ever Marathon Race Report. I think it takes this long, frankly, to come to terms with the distance. There are a lot of miles and experiences to process. Plus -- I'm not shy in saying that my body gave me a bit of a kick back, so I've been working out quite a few kinks. The kinks that started in my leg ended up in my head, and I did quite a bit of spinning (mentally) about this ITB injury.

Perhaps the best way to recap the marathon is with photos -- and SJV provided plenty of gorgeous ones for your review. Bless him for being so patient the entire day -- it was a hot one for runners and for spectators alike, but he and Connie (my amazing buddy) were there around every corner.

And a HUGE thank you to Reed and Vickie -- my amazing friends who happen to be my next-door-neighbors (boy did I ever luck out!). Vik ran about a mile with me, and Reed ran about 15. His company was so wonderful -- particularly since he had to slow wayyyyy wayyyyy down to hang with the likes of an Injured Belly. Still, I was glad that we had multiple hours to chill.

I'll begin from the beginning -- the day before at the Expo. SJV and I headed down to the expo to pick up our numbers and such -- even though SJV wasn't planning on running, he still needed to pick up his goodie bag, etc. Great swag -- and the expo was pretty fantastic. We both got to hold a gold medal! See?

Then, we went over to the pacer area to say howdy to some folks we know who were running the pacer groups. I toyed with signing up for a group -- I decided that it would be cool to have one of those nifty temporary tattoos to help you keep on pace. Now, I had said (many, many times) that I wasn't going to "race" this one -- just run and jog and walk, and generally do whatever my left leg would allow. But my ego was beginning to remind the rest of me that we really could go faster if we wanted... and so we compromised and got a temporary tattoo for 5:00 -- a really slow marathon for what I knew I was capable of. So, that decision made, we started to go through the rest of the pacer line. That's when we saw our friend Lora (super-fantastic runner and the 5:45 pacer) who was chillin' with another pacer.

(Adorable photo, guys!) Lora had a great time at the marathon -- sounds like she did incredibly well, and really enjoyed herself. Fantastic!

We left them, mingled around a bit, and got our stuff.

Then we went home, and I started to set up. I put medical tape on my favorite running shirt, and started to write "Belly" across my chest. (Note the Stick in the photo -- I have not been far from that little piece of equipment for some time, now...)

Here's the completed product...

A note: the tape worked well, but next time I'm going to secure it with some safety pins. It kept rolling up, (at the end, people were yelling for "Kelly" because they couldn't see the top of the "B" anymore) so that I finally had to just rip it off. End note.
So, the night before the marathon, SJV and I had pasta at home -- no way was I going to chance it with a restaurant. That's the nice thing about having a race that's in your backyard! Marathon morning, I got up early (5:30 -- not that early when you consider that for tri's we have to actually be there at 6:00 or earlier) got on my Belly shirt, put on my tatt,

and we made our way to the train to get us downtown. And downtown was pretty packed with people, all going to the marathon.

It was a pretty, pretty morning - although it warm, the sky was beautiful, and the sunrise! Well, it was a really gorgeous sight.

SJV and I got to Grant Park by 7:15 -- perfect. Not so early that I would sit around and hear other people freaking out (because let me tell you -- I was getting SUPER nervous right around this time). And not so late that I would be rushed. I hate being rushed. But ... we didn't quite understand where the tent for my training group was. And there were no (seriously ZERO) signs telling us that we couldn't get there from here... or from there... or from over there... Pretty soon it was 7:30, and I was sweating a bit. Then, 7:45 -- still looking for the tent. Fifteen minutes from the start, and we were still looking for where I could put my gear...

The group had told us that there would be porta-potties for us right by the tent, so I held off using the facilities, knowing that there would be fresh potties and toilet paper... (SJV and I had joked that this was the one and only time when we wouldn't have to worry about bringing our own, actually. For all tri's and for other distance road races, we always carry a spare roll... just in case.)

Finally, around 7:50, and after having walked for the better part of an hour (yes, I was very aggravated, and SJV was mad, too) we found the tent and porta potties -- sans t.p.! I KNOW! I was aggravated. SJV, not daunted by this hiccup, got me some paper towels. And then, we hot-footed it to the starting line. I honestly think we had, like, 10 minutes to get me in line. On the way, a nice photographer took this photo:

Isn't that cute?

Note that I am holding one foot up, sortof. That's because my leg was already hurting from walking so much. More on that later.

We got closer to the start, and I had to kiss SJV goodbye. I was super nervous, and annoyed that I was "late" (even though you can't really be late for a chip-timed race) and wanting to get in my "zone" (if you can have a zone even when you know you aren't really going to "race"). So, I waved him goodbye.

And off I was. There are a lot of folks in this marathon. Exhibit A:

Holy frijoles! Lots of peeps. So, I started off toward them, thinking that I'd go to the 5:00 hour folks and see what that did for me. I was shocked when I had enough time to do that (I was still anxious from thinking I was going to be "late"), and then we just sortof started shuffling forward, really slowly. It was then that, lo and behold! SJV found me! If that's not a testament to us being eerily aware of the other, I don't know what is. I was super happy to see him:

I had given him a very quick kiss goodbye, and missed him immediately after walking away. Now I figured I had a second chance, so I took it! We walked together for a while:

And stood by each other (and by some folks that looked like they had just woken up...)

And then, pretty soon, the line really started to move, and I knew we were going to be off. SJV had said that he was going to meet me at 10 (or so), at 14, 16 and at 22 (or so). Best Bud Connie was going to join him. I knew it was going to be a tough day. I was looking forward to seeing them as often as possible... Next door neighbor and rabbit runner Reed was going to meet me at 10 with SJV, and run with me for a few miles. I was really, really looking forward to that.

So off I went -- by myself, and without my i-pod (which I forgot in my gear bag, which I checked at the tent in the mad dash to get to the starting line). Now, I know that they're not allowed on the course, but c'mon! Anyhoo, all I could hear was the pitter patter of running feet...

Mile one down, and my leg already hurt like a son-of-a-gun. Those first few miles were, for me, more thoughtful and contemplative than the last twenty. I ran by the building where I had both my first and second jobs, the river-boat pier where I boarded a dinner-cruise boat during my first trip to Chicago, the building where I have my current job... all I could think of was what a strange path these past few years have taken, and how much I appreciate all of it.

Of course, that was all punctuated by my leg screaming every now and again. As much as I had promised myself that I would stop and stretch every mile or so, it was so packed that doing so was like taking my life into my own hands. So I wasn't as good at stretching it in the beginning.

We got into River North, and I was running with the BatMan crew -- group of about six folks dressed like Batman, Robin, the Joker -- you get the picture. I took their camera and took a photo of them running together -- very cute photo, and i wish I had a copy! Leg still hurting (that's pretty much a constant through this marathon, unfortunately).

The other constant through this marathon was the heat -- it was starting to get warmer by this time in the race. I was still keeping a great pace -- definitely within a 5:00 hour time frame, and I was still pretty confident that even with the leg I'd make it well under 5:00.

Up to North Avenue, and let me tell you how great it was to hear music. As I neared North Avenue, I could hear U2 on some really great loudspeakers, and felt a huge surge of energy. Amazing, really, what some good music can do.

And in we go, into the park. Lots of water, and the heat's just creeping up. Now we were starting to move toward my 'hood, and I hoped that I'd see some people I knew. The crowds are usually huge in Lakeview, and I was counting on that for some much needed motivation.

Rounding the corner on Addison, there are HUGE crowds of people, including the boystown cheerleaders (yay!) and I was laughing for most of this stretch. My leg was honestly killing me, and I was limping pretty good.

But there were little kids holding out their hands to give you a high five, and everyone was yelling "GO BELLY? Belly? Was that her name...?" It was cracking me up.

But the fact of the matter: I got some cheers. And I needed them...

At the end of my street in Lakeview, I saw Vik -- amazing athlete and great friend (wife of Reed, the rabbit runner). I was SO glad to see her! And she popped out of the crowd and ran with me for about a mile. She was super positive, and I needed that, too. I learned later that I hadn't hidden how bad my leg felt from her (even though I thought I had) and that she was a little worried that I wouldn't finish. Honestly, so was I.

But I did get to tell her that, had it not been for her and Reed, there would be no way that I could have changed my life in the way that I have -- two years ago I was a smoker that didnt' run at all. Now I was completing a marathon, and I owed a good bit of that transformation to her and Reed. It was great to have that time with her, and i was sad to see her have to go. But I was also glad to have some solitary time, and to go through Old Town now.

I ran through some really beautiful areas in Chicago on this stretch -- Lincoln Park and Old Town are really fantastic, and it kept my mind off the leg. I wasn't even paying attention to the miles, to be honest -- I knew that it was going to be a long day...

But, pretty soon, I popped out on North Avenue again, and started looking for SJV and Reed and Connie. I thought that I ran by them, and was getting ready to run backwards to find them, when I saw them just ahead. SJV had a special needs bag for me, and dipped into it for some special cream that does a great job of soothing the leg. Honestly, that worked wonders, and after a kiss and a hug, Reed and I took off for points south.

Right about here is when Reed thought that I wasn't going to make it. I was limping along, my gait had changed, and I probably should have just said enough was enough. But, as I had said before, I had run a 20 mile run, and I would have been damned not to get a medal after all was said and done. I was determined. Sometimes the heart beats the head.

I was super glad to hit the half-way, and then remembered that the race starts at halfway. *Sigh* Oh -- and by this time, I was slipping from my hoped finishing time. And it was getting really hot. Really, really hot on the pavement. I wavered between worrying if I was getting enough to drink and worrying if I was drinking too much.

Reed and I stopped a lot to stretch and drink... and right around the halfway point is when I threw in the towel on my finishing time goal, and lo and behold: my leg magically stopped hurting. So, that was one major positive. The other was having Reed keeping me company. Honestly, an amazing runner and a great guy to keep you company during a long run (or at any time, really.)

At 14 or so, we saw SJV (I was really looking forward to that...)

Frankly, I think these are both from 14, but they may be from 16 -- like I said, I got the miles all jumbled in my head...

And Reed was going to take off and leave me at mile 16. He had already run 5 with a friend of ours, and he hadn't been doing a whole lot of training. So this was quite a bit of running (even though he's Elite Level). We came up on SJV and Connie at mile 16, took a nice chit chat break, and then started off again. Reed then said that he'd run with me until he found a good L station or something to take him home. That would be around chinatown, which we both thought was in two miles.

Um, no. Chinatown was a good 4-5 miles from there. *sigh* Again, totally unaware of my surroundings.

And this was when it started to get blazingly hot. There are reports that signs said it was 92, but in any case, on the pavement in the sun (no shade at this point) it was in the mid-80s, and it was very uncomfortable. So, Reed found some ice, and we put it under our hats on our heads. Very good call, and that kept us going for quite a while. We'd alternate running and walking, and just generally taking it easy.

We made it through little italy, and through Pilsen -- right around there I got a bit light-headed and started to feel a little funny. We slowed and drank some water, and took it even easier from that point. I was convinced that I was going to finish -- my leg didn't hurt so long as I took it easy, and I just wanted that medal. I craved it.

Chinatown was great -- a much needed energy boost, with big crowds and chinese dragons. Very cool. As an added plus, I had watched the marathon for years at that spot, and I had had visions of that portion of the race during my long runs. Now I was doing it -- and I was darned proud.

I figured thta Reed would stop off at that point, but to my surprise and delight, he stayed, saying that SJV was going to meet me at 22-23, and he might as well run that far, too. I had the feeling that he was worried about me -- which was wonderful and horrible at the same time. I was NOT going to be pulled off of this course in a stretcher.

SJV was going to run me in from 22-23, and I was very excited abuot that. In my head, I had planned on how we would run it together, and how special it would be when he was with me for it. We got to mile 22-23, and I saw SJV, and he still had on jeans. I was super disappointed, so I sortof barked at him a bit -- how was he going to run in jeans? I thought he was going to run with me! Best Bud Connie was also there, and SJV said that they hadn't had time to change, and did I really want him to run... there was a bit of discussion, and he said that he would. I was then happy, but wish that I would have noticed that my blood sugar was a little wonky (or I was just honestly tired) which was why I was so cranky at him just then. In any case, I still hadn't hit the wall, and was having a pretty good time. I figured that there were only a few miles left, and that wasnt' any big deal at all.

Of course, it was still unbearably hot. But Reed found some more ice, so I put some in my head to show John how I looked like a cone-head:

And we went along, alternating running and walking, and generally hanging together. John would run ahead and take photos (again, not what I had envisioned in my head) and then run back, and then head off again -- I tried to keep up with him, trying to go faster than I should, and then I'd bonk and start walking. *Sigh* And around 25 was when my blood sugar and attitude got the better of me, and I told John No More Photos. He captured it on camera:

It was pretty funny, really -- he saw the humor in it, and totally understood what I was going through (having done two marathons, he's been there himself). And before I knew it, Reed was waving goodbye at mile 26 (that's right, folks -- he ran 21 miles of the marathon!). Then it was SJV that waved goodbye, and kissed me good luck. Then I was off, to my final goal of running up the hill to the finish line, and to run it in the last .2. SJV captured it:

And I was done.

I saw Paul -- amazing friend and co-worker (well, actually, boss) at the finish. He leads the pacers, and he was the one who gave me my medal and my mylar thingy. And then I had to walk -- AGAIN -- at least a mile to get my food and stuff, and then to get over to the tent. *sigh* SJV caught me before I got there (thank god) and I got a congratulatory hug and a kiss. Then we made our way over to the tent, where I saw good buddy connie:

And, in the tent, running path mayor Bob Horowitz:

And fellow running group member, Melissa:

Both Bob and Melissa had rough days, as well -- in fact, everyone's times were within 45-1:00 of what they had wanted. The heat was a lot, and it was a long day. Anyhoo, we hung out at the tent for a bit, and then we took the train home:

(That photo of me on the train is Exhibit A on why I won't allow photos to be taken of me in mylar.)

SJV and I went out to eat:
But I couldn't really eat. I tried to tell him about all the stuff that happened in the marathon, but there was too much. The one thing I could tell him was what I decided to do to my temporary tattoo after it was clear that trying to finish in 5:00 was going to kill my leg:

And that, my friends, is it. A marathon race report that gives you a taste, and a view, of what it was like for me. ;) My time is unimportant, but it was something like 5:33. I finished, and that's what matters.
Since the marathon, I've had a lot of time to think about it, and to think about what I think about thinking about it. I think the marathon is what it is: a race with a significant distance, that requires a lot of focus and drive, and a lot of luck. Four months of training come down to the conditions (both external and internal) on one day. That's a lot of pressure to put on one day...
I'm off to go for a run, or something -- thanks for listening, and good luck at the races...
One mile at a time...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

One With The Couch

I have become One with my furniture. Specifically, my couch. I've been lounging in it so much over the past three days that it now has a perfect indentation showing where I lay back to watch t.v. -- it's always ready for me to fall back into it and snuggle down, pick up that clicker, tune in, and tune out.

It's a very buddhist feeling thing, really.

I suppose my zen-like-couch-state has been precipitated by my marathon recovery -- as this is my first marathon, I'm not 100% sure what my body is supposed to be doing at any given point. I've peppered dozens of other runners that have attempted the distance with questions over the years, and I've read dozens of articles and books about marathons and recovery, and all things related. But, at the end of the day, This Girl knows This Body better than any of those Experts do. And this body wants Couch. NOT a two mile run (my ITB would scream in protest, I'm sure) or lots of food, or some pool-time (that's for next week, we've decided), or Bikram (I've been dehydrated enough this week, thank you very much...). Couch, it tells me.

And so, Couch it is.

And tomorrow Sweet Johnny V and I take off for points south, to visit my sister and her family while SJV gives a talk/moderates a conference. I'll be in a spot where the weather is perfect for running, but I'll have to satisfy myself with a walk. Maybe a long walk on Saturday, to celebrate the 33rd year of Belly. That's right, folks! Saturday is the National-International Day of Belly. Mark it on your calendars, and make sure you do something fun that day.

Maybe some Couch...

Snoozingly yours,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Off Season

Well, here it is: The Off Season. I've been awaiting its arrival for weeks, now. I've been looking forward to working out for fun, rather than for purpose. And now, it's here.

Two days ago I ran The Chicago Marathon -- I finished, which was a feat for my poor feet, which were ready to have it over with. The day was challenging -- a high of 84 (we thought it was hot) which made for some re-calibrations of expectations. Of course, I've been in re-calibration mode all season -- with nagging injuries and shifting priorities, I went from wanting a 4:00 marathon to wanting to finish.

And I did finish.

My race report will come later, when I have all of the gorgeous photos that Sweet Johnny V took before, during, and after the race. But I wanted to let everyone know that yes, I did finish, and I'm alive and kicking, and generally healthy (although feeling dizzy and strange, which I suppose is par for the course).

My body handled the running better than I thought, but once I stopped, it started to give me some feedback that I didn't appreciate. I couldn't eat well for at least a day, which sent me into major blood sugar problems. And I couldn't sleep at all on Sunday night -- after running 26.2 miles, my body was quite confused as to what it really wanted. So, even though I went to bed pretty early, I didn't actually get to sleep until 5:30 a.m. And then I was up at 7:30. I didn't appreciate that much. I cat-napped yesterday all day, but never really caught up. If I ever attempt the marathon again, I'll have to remember what my body does and when, so that I'm not caught unawares again. And maybe next time I'll take an ambien or unisom the night that I finish...

I'm headed back to my favorite spot on the couch to relax and kick back. More to come on the race and the day...


Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Final Countdown...

Well, here we are. It's Saturday morning, and I've got my coffee and my pre-marathon jitters. Last night I woke up at 4:00, convinced that I had just missed the Marathon Expo, where I pick up my timing chip and bib... I didn't really go back to sleep. So here I am.

And Tomorrow Is The Marathon. 26.2 miles of running through 29 Chicago neighborhoods, and I'm going to be there. For the whole thing, I hope. For the Elvis impersonsator; for the boystown cheerleaders; for my friends in my 'hood that will hopefully be up and at the end of our street cheering me on; for the Pilsen mariachi band; for the Chinatown dragons; for the "International Mile"; for the countless childrens' outstretched hands and yells of support; and for the final stretch down Michigan Avenue that I know from word of mouth and from spectating experience is one lonely piece of road where it's just you, your feet, and your determination.

I'm hoping to finish -- nagging injuries all season have kept me from my initial goals, so now I'm wavering between signing up with a pace group and just slogging it out on my own. I fear that with a pace group, my natural inclination toward competition and pushing myself too far will take over, and I'll blow up around mile 20. Or mile 25.

And blowing up is just unacceptable. I've vowed that, no matter what, I'll finish this darn race. I've run my long runs, and I've put in the time. At 32, this summer I've gotten my body into the best shape it's ever been in, and I'm just asking it to do this one last thing before it can soften and slow down for the winter. I'm really hoping that it cooperates... But even if I have to Woman Up and walk it for the last 10, I want that medal. I've earned it.

I've got to get ready to pick up SJV and go to the expo. I'll send updates tomorrow, after the race, and in a few days I'll have some photos from Belly's First Marathon...

Wish me luck!
One foot in front of the other...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

To Grandma's house...

So, it's been a while since I posted, in part because SJV and I went to my grandma's early on Sunday (we started out at 6:30 a.m.) and came back very late that night. It was a grand day -- grandma's 91st birthday! She opened presents:

And then I opened mine (thanks Aunt Pat and Uncle Dave for the most excellent footies, bag and moisturizers!):

And then we went out for lunch and, later, for ice cream at the favorite Johnson's. I swear, their ice cream is de-licious. Mmmmm.

All in all, it was a great weekent, but I started Monday a wee bit tired. :) SJV and I had a great time, though -- got to see my aunt and uncle (first meeting for SJV, which was cool) and hear how things are going in their part of the world. And seeing G-mama is always fantastic. She looks, and acts, pretty great for someone who's 91... Here's to hoping that I have enough of her genetic material to make it that far! Pretty sweet!

Now, this is the second week of Operation Bikram Yoga -- my attempt at limbering myself up enough to finish the Chicago Marathon on Sunday. As you know, it's been a difficult few weeks/months, with my IT band singing and whistling every long (and now, every short) run that I do. Yesterday's run was no exception -- I went on a 2-3 mile run, and it started smarting around mile 1. By "smarting" I mean that aching sensation -- not the jabbing pull that will make you hop for a minute, grimace, and shake your head. It's the kind of thing that you honestly can run through, but you spend the time you otherwise would have spent pondering the yonder pondering how you got yourself into this mess, and why on earth your leg won't cooperate with your otherwise willing body/mind.

And that's the kicker-- everything else feels fine. I'm convinced that, without that leg bugging me, I could have an incredible marathon. I'm also convinced that, if I don't start out and continue conservatively, that leg will keep me from finishing. Seriously. So, rather than keeping to my pre-marathon-training goal of somewhere in the 4:30s (or under -- easily achievable when you look at my past race performances) I'm looking at somewhere under the 5:30s. And, for a first marathon, I should be excited to finish. *sigh*

Adding insult to my injury, the forecast keeps changing -- two days ago it was supposed to be a high of 60. Perfect. Now, it's a high of 76. Not so perfect. Visions of last year are creeping up in my head, and I'm a little scared of what the forecast will say in two more days. Not much I can do about it, and I'm lucky that I run well in the heat (and perhaps a few days of Bikram Yoga will help me with this, now that I think about it). Still, not optimal...

But, in less than a week, I can add "marathoner" to my personal list, and that's pretty darned fantastic. :) I'm getting excited, so if the next few days are full of nervous posts, and some jittery conversations, I apologize in advance.

Start slowly, then taper...

Thursday, October 2, 2008


So, over the weekend, SJV and I enjoyed the Farm In The Zoo -- complete with piglets and baby chicks,

and a great veggie garden (I don't think they really need the tractor) with butternut squash, curly kale etc all growing out where folks that aren't from the country can see how they grow. Our favorites were the piglets -- they were all cuddled up over/under/around each other, and every time one of them moved, it caused a chain reaction of squirming, pushing, and nudging until they all got comfortable again. They were a month old, so they're still in the oh-my-gosh-how-cute-when-can-I-take-one-home stage. See?


Totally relaxing, wonderful day -- the garden that's right outside of the zoo is really gorgeous, and we walked through the conservatory on our way to the zoo to enjoy the flowers.

It was a great day, and when SJV sent me those photos, I just had to share. :)

In other news, I did get to run outside yesterday morning -- gorgeous crisp morning that it was. I was pretty excited -- got up early, got some coffee, threw on the shoes and i-pod, garmin in tow... By the time I was near the lakefront path, I was pumped to get going... I started up, and that darned familiar pull on the knee started right with me (well, maybe about a 1/2 mile behind, but close enough). So, slow and steady won out yesterday, and I logged about the slowest 4 mile run I've done in quite some time. Still, I never felt a ZWING or a serious pain, which I attribute to the stretching during Bikram the other night. So, that was positive, and I'm heading back to Bikram again this evening. And as many times as I can fit it in, to be honest.

Talk about an interesting forum: a bunch of folks with mats and beach towels in a room that's 105 and 50% humidity, sweating like crazy and bending all over the place. I have to say: I loved it. Well, once I really got into it, I loved it. So, this will be my new "hard core" activity for the next few months, to give my body some time to restore itself from the past season of hard-core-ishness. (Whilst allowing me to continue the eating pattern that I love without gaining a second Belly...) And maybe that heat will feel better once the weather cools even more...

"Warmest" regards -- literally,

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bringing in the Big Guns

This about sums it up:

I feel like a pufferfish.

SJV and I had our Six Month Anniversary yesterday (wahoo!) and went to a swank little wine bar to celebrate. One and 1/2 glasses later, and I was pretty sleepy -- and pretty hungry -- and my will-power was eroded and pliable. When SJV dropped me off, I came upstairs ... and started what would become a marathon of munching. I don't think I stopped all night.

And so, here I am, The Morning After, all gross feeling and poochy. *sigh* Alas, when I have a tub of choco-cookies and peanut butter in the house, all bets are off... ;)

In any case, the next few weeks will probably be an exercise in restraint as far as food's concerned. I'm now in the midst of taper for the Chicago Marathon, so my routine is pretty easy (well, in comparison to the rest of the summer). Of course, tell that to my ITB, which still screamed at me on Saturday when I tried to log in my 10-12 mile run for marathon training. *sigh* I ran along fine for the first 3/4 mile, and then ZWING! *furrowed brow.* No amount of stretching or massaging or (as a last resort) punching that band whilst saying "Let go, gaddaammit!" would make it go away completely. I finished 5, and decided that it was better that I keep my leg attached to my body than finish out a mid-distance run. I think I made the right call, but now I've decided that rolling and stretching on my own are not cutting it... so I've decided to bring in The Big Guns: Bikram Yoga. That's right, folks, I'm headed to hot yoga tonight to see if that can loosen up these hamstrings, quads, calves, and the ITB that just doesn't want to let go...
And, at the same time, maybe I can work off some of those choco-cookies...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Post hoc race report...

Well, the summer's flown by, and although I never gave a race report for the first two triathlons that I completed, I thought that perhaps a little post hoc race report would be a fun and interesting way to spend this morning... So, monster mug/bowl of coffee in hand, Idgy the Cat in lap (where she can lounge around and swipe at the keyboard every now and again) here I go:

Post Hoc Race Report Numero Uno: Chicagoland Danskin, a.k.a. The Estrogen Triathlon.

Some backstory (please feel free to skip this if you're really just interested in a description of the event): I had always found triathlon interesting, and very Hard Core. So, when John and I met, I was intrigued when he self-identified as a triathlete. (Actually, I was more than intrigued...). So Sweet Johnny V and I ran together in a great running group that meets here in Chicago. During the course of our courting, he told me a little about what races he was planning to do this past summer, including Bigfoot Tri, and Steelhead 1/2 Iron (I remember thinking -- Oooh! A half-ironman! How sexy...). Anyhoo, fast forward a few weeks, and we started actively talking about me doing a triathlon... I was a little ... scared. But I knew that there were some female-friendly tri's around Chicago, so I looked them up, and before I knew it, SJV and I were signing me up online. It was to be Chicagoland Danskin, in July, for my very first tri. And, when they asked for a "coach or contact person" in case I biffed it on the bike, I added his name. It was a major moment in our dating relations, let me tell you... ;)

So then came the realization that I had not gone swimming in ... oooohhhh ... maybe around three years. Maybe more. I'm not a beach person, and I didn't have a pool at my gym... So I had this feeling that maybe I should "practice" -- you know -- so the likelihood of drowning was less... likely. Plus, although I had a road bike, I hadn't been on it in at least 9 months, and even before that hadn't ridden more than 7 or 8 miles at a time. When I looked at my odometer, it read 80 miles or so. Total, in the history of that bike. *sigh* I was going to have my work cut out for me -- even for a sprint distance like Danskin. (Danskin is 1/2 mile swim, 12.4 mile bike, and 3.1 mile run.)

So, to the swimming: I started out with the pool, trying a few laps at first... couldn't get more than one out and back lap (in a 25 foot pool, mind you) without resting (this from a long distance runner -- I was very humbled). I switched up my strokes, doing one out and back lap in freestyle, the next backstroke, the next side stroke, etc. Every week or so, I'd get a little better, until I could swim 20 out and back laps in freestyle, and then more, and then ... well ... it turns out I'm not a bad swimmer. :) First open water swim in lake Michigan with a wetsuit that I ordered online after a traumatic day of "fittings" (I'm scarred by that experience). And, honestly, it was fun. Sweet Johnny V was there with me for the whole thing, and kept commenting that I was just fine -- and honestly, I pretty much was.

The biking: SJV gave me a tutorial in June that helped a great deal. I needed to "refresh" (read: learn) some standard essentials. Like stopping. (I'm not kidding.) After that weekend course, I would go out on the lakefront path a few days a week and log some miles, starting out at a 15 mph or so pace, and, to my amazement, I would sometimes get up to 17 or higher.

The running was a given -- no extra training needed, as I was already going on with marathon training.

So... the big day arrives. I had been "training" mainly to be able to finish the event, but had recently been doing so well that I was starting to think I could break 1:30. So, that became the goal. Armed with that and a fully packed bag, SJV and I packed up to go to Wisconsin on that fateful July Saturday...

We drove up to Wisconsin, attended the expo, got me bodymarked (my first bodymarking!) got my event shirt,
and attended the course talk. Now, this was my first course talk, but let me tell you how lady-friendly it was... Lots of "you CAN do this" and cheers for the first timers, and high-fives, and... it was basically a Chick Pep Rally, and it really rocked for that reason. I was pretty confident that I could do this thing, but attending that talk made me even more certain. And I was pretty impressed about the variety and diversity of women that were going to compete. Pretty sweet!

We also took the opportunity to check out the course (I was most interested in this, actually). Here's the lake -- the swim goes directly across, and pops out on the other side by the transition. (Actually, the first photo in this post was taken by the swim exit...)

I was a little freaked out, frankly, by how far the swim looked. It's not far, but it looks it. It really does.

A word about the transition area: it's HUGE. Really quite large. Now, it's a bunch of ladies that are really quite polite, but there's still not much room for gear, and there are plenty of first timers that don't quite know whether to put their gear here, or there, or... well, suffice to say that stuff is everywhere, and since there are 4,000 or so ladies doing the race, logistics are rough.

(Because it's logistics-related, I've included the above photo of a line of people for the port-a-potties. Really, really huge lines for these both in and out of transition.)
So SJV and I check out the bike course next (the run goes around the lake, and appears to be Flat As A Pancake -- which is good, as I train in Chicago, where there is no incline to be found). We're driving along, my little map in hand, and we go to the first two big inclines -- and I'm thinking "Okay, that'll be a good push, but then you get the benefit of the downhill, and since you just learned how to shift you'll know what to do..." -- but there's a hard right at the end of the second of those inclines, so there goes that positive thinking... We keep going, and there's a nice long downhill that I was pretty excited about, and then we turn left... and it goes uphill. For a while. I gulp. SJV says (in his softest and most supportive voice) "There are some hills here, sugar. It's going to be a great, challenging ride for you...".
Indeed. There were hills like that throughout, and I was super nervous. I revised my goal from finishing in under 1:30 to finishing without walking my bike, and from finishing the bike with an average of 17 to finishing the bike (again) without walking my bike. *sigh* It took some pressure off.

Off we go to dinner, to check into the hotel, and to a good night's sleep. SJV let me use his tri mat and transition bag (thanks, sugar!) and I laid them out like I would the next morning.

(Note the supportive card that my co-workers gave me during our staff meeting on the Friday before the race. Such great folks...) I packed and re-packed, and tried not to rub the numbers off of my arms. Before I knew it, it was Belly's First Race Day!

Ate a cliff bar, drank some coffee, and SJV and I drove to the Dairyland parking lot. Again -- logistics. You had a choice: either park 1 mile away at an outlet mall and walk or ride into the race, or go to Dairyland and catch a bus.

The Swim: Here's what the lake looked like the morning of the swim...

Much different from the day before. There were big floating pallets on either side of the alley that the swimmers were (supposed) to swim. There were also kayaks. So, if you got tired, you could just swim over to one of the pallets or to the kayaks and hold on for a minute, and then go on. But there were A LOT of ladies in that lake.

When it was time to go down to the shore, all of us chatty ladies shuffled down to the start. And that's when we got our last pep talk before we started. (See photo of us during said pep talk)

Note, too, the "noodles" that they have on the beach there. Those are for the "swim angels" -- ladies that swim along with you with a noodle that you can hold and rest if you want. It's a very sweet idea that makes the race accessible and less stressful for new swimmers. Great concept, very female friendly. If you wanted an angel, you could ask -- or they would find you if you were crying, or hyperventilating... ;)

Then they counted us down, and off we went. I started out pretty strong, and then, suddenly, I panicked. About 50 feet into the thing, I lost it a little. So I flipped over to rest on my back, and all I could see was what seemed like hundreds of yellow caps coming at me. Whaaaaa! I took a few deep breaths, flipped back over, and started swimming for broke. I couldn't see well - the sun was coming up on the same side that I like to breath, and I didn't have mirrored goggles at the time. So, I just went like crazy -- and I totally zig-zagged. (If you go too far off course, they come and get you... so it wasn't that bad, really...) But once I had hit my groove, I really hit my groove, and I felt good and relaxed. I noticed that I was passing folks in other colored swim-caps, and I thought that was good... there was a bit of a bottleneck at the end, but I fared well, even though the sand at the end was deep, and your feet sunk pretty far down after so many other waves had loosened up the ground:

See dramatic photo of me ripping off my swimcap like a pro (above), and then running through transition (thanks, as always to SJV for being such an amazing photographer and man):

I had finished the swim in 15:13. NOT BAD! I had hardly any problems ripping off my wetsuit, but it was a bit of a mess getting from A to B in that transition. I'm happy with my transition time of 3:04.

On to the bike! I started out feeling pretty good -- getting up those hills wasn't so bad, and I wanted to get done as fast as I could... I knew there would be a wind coming and it would get stronger as the day went on, so I wanted to get going. I blazed down that nice long downhill, and hit 25mph at one point, which got me a little scared. :) It seemed like another woman and I were just trading places -- so we started chatting, and encouraging one another. I was passing ladies left and right, and trying to keep up with my new friend. Once we hit the part of the course that was pretty bad road and some gravel, the wind hit straight on, and everyone got quiet. The wind was probably around 15mph, and when a gust hit, everyone slowed considerably. But the most amazing thing about this race was the support from other competitors -- lots of "you go, chica," and "looking really strong" -- both from folks you passed and from those passing. Finally, I was coming around to the last two inclines back into transition, and let me tell you how hard those were -- the wind coming straight on, and going up those inclines with no real training on hills... Everyone was having a hard time, and I was no exception. I just ground it out...

I was happy to get into transition -- my heart rate was through the roof, so even though I knew I could just run off, I dawdled a little to get it down.

The great news? I averaged 18.3 for the bike! Nice-- total time, 42:31. Transition: 2:03. Also not bad, considering.

Next, the run. This, I figured, was my "easy" event. Ummm... I hadn't ever run that hard after cycling that hard (I'd done a few bricks, but nothing like that...). So, a few minutes after starting, I had to pull over to the side to get my breath again... I was unbelievably thirsty (because I can't drink on the bike well, and hadn't taken my water bottle from transition) and then I got a side-stitch around mile 2.5, and had to walk for a bit. In any event, it's a good run course -- just all the way around the little lake, with a bit extra, and then you come in by the recplex. There's not much shade, and I was annoyed that there was only one water stop, but that's plenty for someone who hydrates well on the bike. Also, there's lots of room for spectators to cheer you on, and it's darn accessible to them.

Back to the run: after my crudilicious performance on the running path, and what I could tell was NOT going to be a PR on the run, I figured I'd miss my goal by a lot. I also couldn't really go any faster than I was going -- my side-stitch was pretty bad, and, well... the hard efforts were catching up. So I was really happy to see the finish line, and to see My Sugar at the finish line, and to get some water at the finish line.

Then, I checked my watch: I had run the run in 28:43.

I then started adding things up, and realized that I had missed by goal by only 1:36. That's right! (And that's using the official time) I had finished my first sprint tri in 1:31:36. I was very happy. Very happy! (Followed, of course, by kicking myself for not running faster... blah blah blah)

Final results: Overall rank: 417/3655, 63/370 (age group); Swim 599/3655; Bike 543/3655; Run 756/3655.

And that's when my favorite photo of SJV and I was taken:

SJV and I hung around for a while, enjoying the day -- it was gorgeous, and then we had to figure out logistics for how to get home. That's really the only down-side to this race. We had to get on a bus, to go get the car, to get the car as close as possible to the race, so that I could ride my bike to the car... Doing all of that took longer than the race itself! Still, it was very well organized -- with that much of a logistical challenge, it would have been far worse if it wasn't well organized.

Sheesh, I'm long winded. :) So there's my first post-hoc race report about Danskin Chicago. I highly recommend it for first-timers, and for other ladies that want an easy-going race. Very supportive, very fun. But it's probably not a place to get a PR -- there are a lot of ladies that don't really understand the rules yet, so sometimes you just can't go that fast. Still, I did pretty well with my time, and I liked the course.

Thanks for listening, and have a great weekend everyone!


Idgy the Cat

Idgy the Cat